Meeting of SBC Entity Presidents, with Texas Associational Directors of Missions
by Dr. Morris H. Chapman, Moderator
September 21, 2000

Meeting of SBC Entity Presidents, with Texas Associational Directors of Missions Regarding Recent Changes Being Suggested by the BGCT
Affecting the Cooperative Program
Meeting Attendees:

Dr. Morris H. Chapman, Moderator

President, Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention, and Chairman, Great Commission Council

Dr. Jerry Rankin

President, International Mission Board

Dr. Robert E. (Bob) Reccord

President, North American Mission Board

Dr. James T. (Jimmy) Draper

President, LifeWay Christian Resources

Dr. O.S. Hawkins

President, Annuity Board

Dr. Richard Land

President, Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission

Dr. Kenneth S. Hemphill, Host

President, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Dr. William O. Crews

President, Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary

Dr. Charles S. Kelley

President, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

Dr. R. Albert (Al) Mohler

President, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Dr. Paige Patterson

President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Dr. Michael K. Whitehead

Interim President, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

... and Various Associational Directors of Missions from Across the State of Texas

Portions of this meeting were edited to group responses, and for brevity and clarity. Questions are paraphrased. Click on the underlined text to hear the responses.

1. Opening remarks

2. Was the BGCT invited to participate in these meetings?

3. Dr. Chapman's introduction to the session, overview of historical context, and stated purpose for the meeting.

4. Dr. Jimmy Draper, President of LifeWay Christian Resources, discusses Baptist distinctives.

5. Are the executive committees of the SBC and BGCT talking to each other?

6. I've been told that NAMB and IMB are not willing to work with the BGCT, is that true?

7. Is the SBC going to encourage churches to give directly to the Cooperative Program?

8. If churches wanted to give directly anyway, will you be supplying instructions or a form of some type that will help them to do so?

9. Dr. Mohler, do you personally subscribe to what is commonly referred to as 5-point Calvinism?

10. Dr. Patterson, did you ever say that Calvinism is unscriptural?

11. Is the Baptist Faith and Message big enough to include Dr. Mohler's "more-Calvinistic" approach as well as Dr. Patterson's "less-Calvinistic" outlook?

12. Aren't the differences so fine that we are, in effect, "arguing over the color of the carpet."

13. Should we be worried about the effect of the BGCT's defunding plan on NAMB or IMB?

14. Dr. Kelley, did you say that "no faculty member would be allowed to question the Baptist Faith and Message anywhere or anytime, not even in private conversation at an off-campus party?"

15. Would you, as agency heads, be willing to say publicly and for the record that you would continue to have fellowship and cooperation with Baptists who would NOT agree to the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message, but who WOULD agree to some other previously drafted version of the Baptist Faith and Message?

16. Do you believe the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message should be used as a creed or as a test of fellowship? Must professors now sign it? Do you believe it is on the same level as Scripture?

17. Will the entities require employees to sign the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message? Can you give an example of how you'd work with signers of other statements?

18. How can one get up-to-date information from the SBC?

19. Who is working on resolving the conflict and what is being discussed?

20. Meeting Summary


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