Your Church Reaching the World for Christ
by staff of the Executive Committee of the SBC

When you give through the Southern Baptist Convention portion of the Cooperative Program, you fund the following:


supports over 4,800 missionaries in over 150 countries around the world leading to 400,000 baptisms and 4,700 new churches started last year overseas.


supports church planting and evangelism in North America through 5,000 missionaries and nearly 200,000 volunteers with over 1,700 new churches planted last year; also, supports nationwide radio and television ministries.


trains over 12,000 ministers and missionaries in six seminaries.


promotes religious liberty and Christian values in multiple venues including daily live nation-wide radio broadcasts.


supports low income retired Baptist ministers and widows.


provides accounting, legal services, communications, promotion, convention meetings, and administration.

Total 2000-2001 SBC CP Budget is $167,996,385.

Reprinted from The Truth about the SBC & Texas, by the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee.
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